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ERASMUS+ 2016-1-ES01-KA204-025537
Published: 25/05/2022
Views: 1146

DIVERSITY IN ADULT EDUCATION” (DIVINA EDU) project is an EU funded project under Erasmus+ strategic partnerships, aiming to provide specific skills and tools for adult education trainers and staff in order to manage diversity in adult education institutions. The project pursues the following objectives:
1. To raise awareness and provide information on diversity issues in adult education.
2. To promote the personal development of adult educators and other stakeholders in adult education.
3. To promote the creation of a safe and equitable learning environment in adult education that will facilitate individuals to take full advantage of the learning opportunities offered to them.
4. To prevent adult bullying and other forms of discrimination in education, thus promoting equity and social cohesion.
5. To build on accumulated experience and disseminate good practices, in order to further advance diversity management in adult education.
The project involves partners from Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain and will develop during 2 years (2016-2018) the following materials:
- Research report on diversity issues, bullying, and coping strategies in adult education for the identification of local needs and best practices.
- Development of a training methodology and a course outline on diversity management in adult education.
- New training modules for trainers and administrative staff will be developed, along with training material and an assessment methodology.
- A training platform will be developed as a means to deliver the training and to facilitate networking and support of the learners.

Learn more:

Project website:

Twitter: #DiversityAdultEdu

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